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What is Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting offers people an opportunity to enhance or restore various parts of their bodies to their desired state. 

Body sculpting techniques can help contour the body and tighten lax or drooping skin. 

Renew Curves Body Sculpting services are some of the most common cosmetic procedures performed today. Through compassion and sensitivity, our certified body sculptors are committed to taking the special care necessary to create the look that can make you feel better about your overall appearance.

LEVEL ME (Laser Lipo)

One Session – One Area

Unlike conventional liposuction, the idea of laser lipo is not to remove fat cells, it shrinks them. This non-invasive laser treatment penetrates the fat cells and temporarily perforate their membranes. The fat cells then release their stored fatty acids, glycerol and water into the body then shrink (this results in inch loss). The body then flushes out the expelled fat cell contents via the lymphatic systems or burns them as energy. Clients may notice results after only a few sessions. Renew Curves recommend 3-8 treatments to achieve your goals. 

SCULPT ME (Lipo Cavitation)

One Session – One Area

Lipo Cavitation is a less invasive liposuction alternative that uses sound waves that only targets and break down fat cells from the body. It does no other damage to surrounding tissues or organs. You should allow 72 hours between treatments. Areas that can be treated: abdomen, love handles, and upper arms

Lipo Captivation is a less invasive liposuction alternative that uses sound waves that only targets fat cells. When the ultrasonic waves are directed to an area of fatty tissue, they damage the fat cells membranes. It does no other damage to surrounding tissues or organs. The wave begins to break down the fat cells causing them to release triglycerides and other fatty substances that are a key component of the flabby tissue. Lipo Captivation also eliminates cellulite. 

FIRM ME (Radio Frequency Skin Tightening)

One Session – One Area

Radio Frequency is a non-invasive treatment which uses radio waves to produce a heating effect to the deeper layers of the skin which stimulates the collagen fibers causing them to shrink and tighten. Areas that can be treated: abdomen,             and upper arms

Radio Frequency is a non-invasive treatment which uses radio waves to produce a heating effect to the deeper layers of the skin which stimulates the collagen in the body (collagen is a substance which gives elasticity to the skin). The heat cause water molecules in the deeper layers of the skin to vibrate causing friction which heats up the collagen fibers causing them to shrink and tighten up and overtime new collagen forms. The effects of Radio Frequency Skin Tightening are immediate and improvements will carry on for up to 8 weeks later.

Click for more info, FAQs, or to schedule your consultation.


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